I think it’s pretty obvious I haven’t updated this page in quite some time. I’m going to change that, if for no other reason other than I need to put some systems in place that will keep me accountable. The last time I posted anything here was in February 2017, and, wow, my life has definitely changed in quite a few ways in just a year-and-a-half.
- I’m now unemployed (not by choice).
- I was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award at this past June’s Monster Bash convention.
- I’ve released over 380 episodes of Monster Kid Radio, and I’m still going strong.
- I’ve launched the Monster Kid Radio YouTube Channel.
- I’ve started work on audio engineering/production and sound effects creation for the upcoming feature film House of the Gorgon (dir. Joshua Kennedy).
- I did an awesome interview over at The Haunted Cinema (thank, Todd!).
- I’ve lost some weight (with still a lot to go), and am gearing up for a surgery to correct my deviated septum and collapsing nasal valves this week.
It’s been a crazy past 18-months-or-so, but what is perhaps most relevant to this site is that I’ve started writing again. I can make dozens thousands of excuses as to why I drifted away, some of them legitimate (mental health, etc.), but in the end, I have to realize that I’m working with the same twenty-four hours/day that everyone else has. It’s a matter of prioritizing that time, and allowing myself the time to write, deal with “real life” stuff, etc., and if I miss something, learning to be okay with that. I know I can’t expect to make a real go at being a writer, and specifically, being taken seriously and professionally as a writer, unless I actually do the work.
So I’m doing the work.
What does my ideal morning look like? The schedule I’d like to set for myself would look something like this:
- Roll over, turn off the alarm, and get out of bed between 7am-8am (and not letting myself get hooked on doing whatever on my phone, which is what I use as my alarm clock usually).
- Have a glass of water, and go for a half-hour walk.
- Get home, prepare for the rest of the day, have breakfast with my wife, and on the days she works, drive her in so she’s there by 10am.
- On her work days, stop at the Beaverton library on the way home, and sit down with my laptop to bang out an hour’s worth of words. On a non-work day, do it at home.
- On with the rest of the day by 11:30am/noon.
Obviously, this will all change if I find a new job. But until then, I’m hoping to pull this off. And I’ll be using Monster Kid Writer to help keep me accountable.
Wish me luck.
That sounds like a great schedule, Derek! I love that it’s got measurable, attainable goals and that you’re scheduling in some exercise along with the creative work. (That’s been a struggle for me.)
I also think it’s great that your being public about it– accountability is huge! Plus, for those of us in the audience, it’s inspirational to see someone hitting their own goals, as well as being hones about when things don’t go as planned.
Best of luck with the writing and job search!
Thanks, Dan!
It’s critical to wave well defined goals, you’re already on your way to success!! Keep at it, the MKR community loves you!!!
Thanks, Mark!