At last year’s HP Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon, I was approached by a couple of regular Lurkers at the festival – Rick Tillman and Kelly Young. I’ve known them both a long time (if I remember correctly, they made their HPLFF debut the same year I did . . . maybe . . . ?), and I consider them friends. I also consider them incredibly talented. Not only have they both been involved in various (AWESOME) film projects over the years, they’ve also birthed the magazine Strange Aeons. I suppose if I were trying to describe the magazine, I’d say it was like Heavy Metal magazine for the Lovecraft crowd, but that really oversimplifies things. It’s a solid publication, and I was thrilled when they asked if I’d like to join the team and take over the column “Dig Deeper” where I’d get to write about some lesser-known horror films and give them the spotlight they deserve.
My first appearance in the pages of Strange Aeons will be in issue #23, which is available for pre-order now. My column is a near-4,400 word rumination on the 1960 film The City of the Dead (dir. John Llewellyn Moxey). I’ve been fortunate enough to introduce this film a few times over the years at various events, and I’ll take an chance I get to shine even more light on it!
Of course, this issue of Strange Aeons is filled with all the groovy goodness readers have come to expect from the magazine. New fiction. Reviews. Comics. And a little something called The Charles Dexter Awards.
You can find Strange Aeons online at http://www.strange-aeons.com/
Strange Aeons is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/strange.aeons.mag/